A Twist On #BalanceForBetter For International Women's Day 2019 by Winnielle Pereira
Happy International Women’s Day! On this day I always feel such a seriously heightened sense of pride, to BE a woman, to be a black woman, to be an Island woman, the woman that I have become and absolutely proud in advance of the woman I will continue to evolve into. I feel such a wonderful energy and experience diverse visions when I think of… Balance for Better. It resonates so powerfully within my spirit and harnesses my being as if it were my skin protecting the vital parts of physical being. Mindful of the importance of balance in all aspects of my life and others…. knowing that everything begins with me, internally and in return, forwards and reflects upon everything and everyone that I ever make a connection with.
Girls Illuminated SKN
My ongoing journey of self-empowerment, balance for better, has strengthened my will to empower and uplift others and I have humbly chosen to do so through two very dear creations to my heart and soul. Pure Niceness, is my Wellness skin and hair care line of all-natural products and Girls Illuminated SKN, is our nonprofit girl empowerment movement, founded by my daughter Destinee Winnielle Guilbert and I, where we lovingly curate an exciting and unique annual Health & Wellness Summer program for little girls of color where the curriculum brings fourth vital empowerment for mind, body and spirit wellness. Through their existence I am able to inspire others to create more balance by caring more for themselves so that they may do the same for others, allowing for better to rise in their lives through inspiration, guidance and persistence.
Without balance I could not have accomplished what I set fourth to do and as time proceeds everything gets better, day by day with faith and ofcourse passion and that go get it spirit within. Balance for Better reflects in my path because it is my path, it is my mindset, my goal, they both go hand in hand. Balance brings fourth betterment. That’s a given! And I am my own living proof that it is reality.
Natural Health, skincare, haircare, self-care has infused itself into my being over the years through more awareness, seeking the knowledge that is ever present of the importance of recognizing that my Health is my Wealth. Since introducing my line of products to my people it has been overwhelmingly taking my breath away and filling me up with joy and laughter with all the amazing testimonials pouring in from those who have discovered and currently use my brand of self-care products. I too along with my family have been enjoying the benefits of my new-found knowledge of self-care and using mother nature as our healer to heal ourselves. It has empowered me to know that I can heal myself, my family and those around me with my knowledge and passion for the simple things that we face daily. We have been healers as women for thousands of years, what are we afraid of? it is time we reembrace this aspect of our natural being.
Challenges, cho! Dem like to come often, and in my life its almost always the lack of finances but year after year I have learnt to become super resourceful, go with the flow and don’t fight myself, keep calm in situations and trust in my own ability to conquer, and if I am unable to conquer, that I will live to see another day and things will get better as long as I remain open, humble, grateful and move in love.
The energy of gratitude has always kept this woman grounded. I don’t know who I would be without the power of gratitude. I am grateful for everything, the good and the not so good. There is a lesson to learn and a time to grow and evolve through every aspect of life and being who you were born to be. I also stay grounded because I know struggle, I know triumph and I know myself, so I trod through each day ensuring that in all that I do that I stay humble, love plenty, do good works, make others smile and give thanks for that life that I have been given.
SKN Love
Antiguan Born and St Kitts raised, creative and social entrepreneur Winnielle Pereira is the epitome of Island Girl Magic. Follow her socials for updates on all of her endeavours