Manifestation by Michelle Escoffery-Ojo

All that we are is a result of all that we thought.

Every thought we have becomes a thing.
Could be good or bad, big or small, negative or positive, but the thoughts we generate and pay attention to have a direct affect on the quality of our experiences and circumstances.

So how do we do this manifestation thing ?
It really isn’t as hard as we think.
To manifest a thing is to consciously choose it.
It all starts with thought.
Thoughts create things. Fact.

So, let’s focus on positive thought.

1.Think It:
The mind does not know whether something is real or not, so when we start to focus our attention on anything regularly and for extended periods of time, the mind goes to work to create what we are giving our thought power and attention to.
If we focus on the negative like.. never having enough or being tired or broke all the time, the mind looks for experiences to match this thought and make it your reality. That’s what we know as a self fulfilling prophecy!
Work to train your mind by daily practice of having consistent positive and progressive thoughts.. hold that thought and then go to play!

2.See It Happening :
That job interview going the way you want it, that great meal, that holiday of a lifetime, your ideal home.. whatever it is for you.. see it. Then amp up the energy by feeling how having, doing or being that thing feels to you.
Really commit to letting your imagination run wild creating the feeling. Are you excited? Pleased? Energised? Ecstatic? Maybe feeling grounded? Secure, relieved. Whatever it is, immerse yourself in that feeling and stay with it for as long as possible. And whatever you do, quit trying to be ‘realistic’. No one ever conjured up the impossible by being ‘realistic’.. it’s so BORING!

3.Write It Down:
One of the fastest ways to make things happen is by writing it down. This is because when we write, our focused attention goes into what we are writing and becomes laser sharp. This focused attention moves mountains and speeds up the manifestation process by adding sharper clarity and an extra sparkle to our desire.
Try it.
If you have ideas floating around in your head or something you really want.. Write it down.

Want to speed up the process even more?

4.Create a vision board:
Again, the mind processes visual stimuli at a faster rate than words, so seeing pictures of all you want to draw into your experience acts as a great confirmation and accelerant that “we are doing this!”.. in fact, it’s already done .. tick!

Then floor it, by expressing...

5.True gratitude:
Not just for the things you are wanting to draw into your existence, but also for the little things in your life that often go unnoticed.
Also, remember, your request needs to match your belief.
You can’t be a millionaire if deep down you don’t believe you can ever be.


1. an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof."his belief in extraterrestrial life"

trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

In other words...

Forget about the HOW! Just know in your heart it’s going to happen or you’re going to do it, be it or have it and ‘Act As If’!

Make that order and expect it to come!

You get there by realizing you are already there.
Eckhart Tolle

Shift the focus from what you want to do, to how you want to be... how you want to feel.
Denise Linn

6.Take Massive Action:
Sign up for that course, make that call, take that call, schedule that meeting, book that flight, open that savings account..
whatever it takes, just make a small move to what you really want everyday and before you know it, you’ll have either reached your goal or far exceeded it.
Put one foot in front of the other.
That’s all you need to do.

In conclusion,
Manifestation is action!
It is the act of letting go and allowing.
We have to let go of what we don’t want or need in order to create space for what we really want and are drawing into our lives as our reality.
We have to let go of limiting ideas and beliefs and consistently engage with beliefs that support our expansion and growth, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and eventually physically.
Nothing is impossible or beyond our reach once we get out of our own way and create the environment for all our dreams to grow, flourish and be.
Got it?
Now let’s get it!!!
Happy manifesting :)


Michelle Escoffery-Ojo
EMBRACE 1-2-1/group energy4life coach.
Michelle facilitates visual creation workshops, hands on energy alignment (bodywork) and New Moon Meditation & Intention setting group sessions. She is also co-founder of The Sleepover, a wellness experience which creates a safe space for the sharing of transformative practices bringing ease and harmony into every day lives. Follow Michelle on Instagram
@missesco for updates on her services and projects.

 More of Michelle can be found here:



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